
general verdict中文什么意思

发音:   用"general verdict"造句
  • 概括裁定
  • general:    adj. (opp. special) 1.一般的,综合 ...
  • verdict:    n. 1.【法律】(陪审团的)评决,裁决。 2.判断,意 ...
  • a general verdict:    概括裁断。确定原告胜诉还是被告胜诉(民事案件中)或被告人有罪还是无罪(刑事案件中)的裁断。
  • the verdict:    大审判; 判决
  • verdict:    n. 1.【法律】(陪审团的)评决,裁决。 2.判断,意见,决定。 the popular verdict 公众的意见。 a verdict for the plaintiff 原告胜诉的评决。 What is your verdict on the coffee 你觉得这咖啡怎么样? an open verdict 存疑裁决〔指判定某行为有罪而不确知犯人,或指死因未详的裁决〕。 a partial verdict 部分裁判〔只判定行为的一部分有罪〕。 a privy [sealed] verdict 密封裁决书〔陪审员在法官休庭后交给法院书吏的初步书面裁决〕。 a special verdict 特别裁决〔陪审团只提供已证明的事实,交由法庭进行判决〕。 bring in [deliver, give, return] a verdict of ‘not guilty' (陪审团)评决无罪。 pass one's verdict upon 对…下判断。 to reverse the verdict 翻案。
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  1. A jury normally returns a general verdict .
  2. "it is a marvel how louisa manages to do it," is the general verdict .
  3. " it is a marvel how louisa manages to do it , " is the general verdict
    “路易莎竟然做成了这事,真是奇迹, ”人们都这样议论说。
  4. Moreover the general verdict of all who had known him previously was that he had greatly changed for the better during the last five years , had grown softer and more manly , that he had lost his old affectation , pride , and sarcastic irony , and had gained the serenity that comes with years


  1. an ordinary verdict declaring which party prevails without any special findings of fact


        general:    adj. (opp. special) 1.一般的,综合 ...
        verdict:    n. 1.【法律】(陪审团的)评决,裁决。 2.判断,意 ...
        a general verdict:    概括裁断。确定原告胜诉还是被告胜诉(民事案件中)或被告人有罪还是无罪(刑事案件中)的裁断。
        the verdict:    大审判; 判决
        verdict:    n. 1.【法律】(陪审团的)评决,裁决。 2.判断,意见,决定。 the popular verdict 公众的意见。 a verdict for the plaintiff 原告胜诉的评决。 What is your verdict on the coffee 你觉得这咖啡怎么样? an open verdict 存疑裁决〔指判定某行为有罪而不确知犯人,或指死因未详的裁决〕。 a partial verdict 部分裁判〔只判定行为的一部分有罪〕。 a privy [sealed] verdict 密封裁决书〔陪审员在法官休庭后交给法院书吏的初步书面裁决〕。 a special verdict 特别裁决〔陪审团只提供已证明的事实,交由法庭进行判决〕。 bring in [deliver, give, return] a verdict of ‘not guilty' (陪审团)评决无罪。 pass one's verdict upon 对…下判断。 to reverse the verdict 翻案。
        a special verdict:    特别裁断。陪审团仅对案件中的特定事项作出裁决,而将对该事实适用法律的问题留给法官解决。
        a verdict of history:    历史的结论
        adverse verdict:    不利的裁判
        aider by verdict:    裁判的救助
        bring in a verdict:    有罪判决
        chance verdict:    突击性裁判
        cure by verdict:    裁定的救治
        direct verdict:    法官指示陪审团作出直接判决; 直接裁决
        directed verdict:    直接判决, 直接裁决
        disciplinary verdict:    纪律决定
        estoppel by verdict:    确定的判决不容推翻
        fail verdict:    不合格判定
        false verdict:    错误的判决; 错误判决; 假裁判, 不当裁判, 不真实的裁判
        final verdict:    最后裁决
        finality of verdict:    已成定局的裁决, 终局的裁判
        find a verdict:    作出裁判
        guilty verdict:    有罪判决
        inconclusive verdict:    无结论判定
        judgement on the verdict:    确定原判决
        majority verdict:    多数裁决



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